There's No Place Like Home
Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,
Strangely enough, even though you all know all kinds of trivia about me, from my aversion to Gwyneth to my love of figure skating, somehow it has never come up that the Mint Mogul dream was born in Buffalo, a town that has its share of embittering moments (wide right/no goal, anyone?) Had I grown up 90 miles across the border in the fine nation of Canada, things could have turned out differently, and probably with more optimism and a warm, maple aroma. some of you know, I have been working to place Embittermints in a number of Buffalo retail establishments, and I have some good news to report. Buffalo Rising has filed this complimentary report on Embittermints, listing the stores where they are available on a trial basis. Just to make it easier for all of you, here they are:
Spoiled Rotten
831 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
New World Record
765 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Positively Main Street
773 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Globe Market
762 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Just could go on a Tour de Embittermints right on the same street, without getting a fancy bike or any of those fancy performance enhancing substances (allegedly). We're talking proud, now!
And for those of you who don't have the good fortune to enjoy the Buffalo summer, feel free to get your Embittermints at MXYPLYZYK or at the online store.
Strangely enough, even though you all know all kinds of trivia about me, from my aversion to Gwyneth to my love of figure skating, somehow it has never come up that the Mint Mogul dream was born in Buffalo, a town that has its share of embittering moments (wide right/no goal, anyone?) Had I grown up 90 miles across the border in the fine nation of Canada, things could have turned out differently, and probably with more optimism and a warm, maple aroma. some of you know, I have been working to place Embittermints in a number of Buffalo retail establishments, and I have some good news to report. Buffalo Rising has filed this complimentary report on Embittermints, listing the stores where they are available on a trial basis. Just to make it easier for all of you, here they are:
Spoiled Rotten
831 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
New World Record
765 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Positively Main Street
773 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Globe Market
762 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Just could go on a Tour de Embittermints right on the same street, without getting a fancy bike or any of those fancy performance enhancing substances (allegedly). We're talking proud, now!
And for those of you who don't have the good fortune to enjoy the Buffalo summer, feel free to get your Embittermints at MXYPLYZYK or at the online store.