Sunday, August 19, 2007

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,

More good news, besides the arrival of Friday Night Lights on DVD! First, Embittermints will soon be available at Black Ink, with two locations in the Boston area:

Black Ink
5 Brattle St
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 497-1221

Black Ink
101 Charles St
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: (617) 723-3883

Stop in and buy a few tins, and maybe one of those adorable Petit Nicholas books. And please come by and buy Embittermints at our retail locations in New York and Buffalo.

Also, I am happy to report that Scott from Some Like It Scott has graciously featured Embittermints on his favorite things page. Many of you will remember Scott from his star turn as a blogger of Project Runway. Groove to the Mary Martin version of "My Favorite Things" while you're there -- what a rich voice! Too bad that her son, Larry Hagman, didn't inherit those pipes -- it would have made I Dream of Jeannie and Dallas even more camp then they were without the tunes. Alas, what could have been. Sigh.

To top it off, even Gwyneth did something nice.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Might As Well Face It...

Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,

They're addicted to candy. That's right, everyone, Embittermints got a very nice review and photo spread (photo reprinted above) from our friends at Candy Addict. So, for those of you who have come here via Candy Addict, welcome! Hope you're not big Gwyneth fans. If you are, may you should skip the archives.

In other Embittermints news, Embittermints now has a new MySpace page. Come on by and meet the friends of Embittermints, who include both Fiction Plane and Liam Finn, both of whom gave excellent performances in the New York area over the past two weeks, as this Fanzilla clearly has a touch of the son of star syndrome. Please do drop by and say hello!

Keep spreading the spite!