Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mo' Retailers, Mo' News

Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,

I'm excited to let all of you know that we have two new Lower East Side retailers:

Hudson Street Papers
149 Orchard St
New York, NY 10002-2214
Phone: (212) 229-1064

Economy Candy
108 Rivington Street
New York, New York 10002
Phone: (800) 352-4544

We also have a new Upper West Side retailer:

Apthorp Pharmacy
2201 Broadway (between 78th & 79th st)
New York, NY 10024

And, for those of you wanting to learn more about Embittermints, check out this article in the Harvard Law Record:

Go forth and shop and shop some more.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Top 5 Rejections

Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,

How does the saying go? Into every life a little rain must fall? The sun shines for everyone? Well, let me start with the good news, we have some reorders from a couple of good customers, including the fabulous folks at MXYPLYZYK (go there, buy mints, lather, rinse, repeat). And there are some exciting new retailers on the horizon. Watch this space.

I would be remiss in painting everything as rainbows and unicorns. Surrounding the shining moments of success are the rejections. Most are somewhat humdrum, saying that the product isn't a good fit. Even though the Mint Mogul Handbook says that one shouldn't take rejections personally, fall into a downward spiral of depression, or fantasize about assembling a pack of ninjas to take over the offending store, I have succumbed on occasion. However, there are some rejections that are so bizarre, that the only thing to do is laugh, and post them on the internet to inspire further ridicule. So, without further ado, here are my:

Top 5 Embittermints Rejection Lines

5. Mints don't sell. (From a store with a few hard to find shelves of mints.)
4. [Silence. Hands back sample. Returns to reading newspaper.]
3. We see more of a future with the George W. Bush mints. Um, what election?
2. They're too small. If you made one big mint, then maybe we would take them.
1. Oh. They're mean. We do hair here, and, well, hair can be mean and harsh, so I like to keep the merchandise more pos' -- you know, for the energy of the place... I'm just telling you my truth...but if they were dirty, I'd definitely buy them.

I guess there are some things even ninjas can't fix.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Spreading the Spite

Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,

There are a lot of potential new outlets for Embittermints in the works, so please keep your eyes open for them, and pick up a tin or ten when you do see them. Our friends at MXYPLYZYK have Embittermints back in stock, so don't forget to add them to your pile of cool, design-y goods while you're there!

And, our friends at Economy Candy are giving Embittermints a trial run, so be sure to pick some up while you're in the area. They also have a collector's set of 3 Elvis Pez dispensers: Army, Young, and Sideburns. Fantastic!

And, to those retailers, members of the press, and other potential Embittermints partners who are checking out the site, please feel free to contact the Mint Mogul with any questions you might have about the product, pricing, and partnership potential.

Keep spreading the spite!