Sunday, November 04, 2007

I Love LA

Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,

First, please check out Embittermints at our new LA retailers:

4633 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
Phone: (323) 663-0122

Y-que Trading Post
1770 N Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027-4311
Phone: (323) 664-0021

For those of you who received Embittermints through the Junior League event, welcome, and please feel free to comment and to visit your local Embittermints retailers.

It's strange to be in a new TV season and not terribly interested in the TVs. While there is only one show I still love to watch, which is the still-wonderful, though not as perfect as before, Friday Night Lights, even FNL doesn't motivate me to watch it live.

I tried to watch Gossip Girl, but I can't get into it. I don't think I like any of the characters. There's not a Chino or a Sandman among them. Sad.

Well, I've been away a bit, but now I'm back and returning to nonstop marketing. Tally-ho!