Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Time to Dance

Dear People Who Read This Site, “George”, Girl, That Euro, Special C, Dr. Chris, Medicine Woman, The (Other) O.C., (Get Back) JoJo, Beloved Retailers, Almost as Beloved Press, and Especially Beloved Potential Investors,

First things first, happy belated birthday, Bergeron! I hope you had as much fun on your big day as I did on mine, and that you also got to perform Eminem's "Lose Yourself" at karaoke. I did it for the fans, myself.

One might gather that I am a slightly too supportive fan of Dancing With the Stars, given my love of the Bergeron. That alone might not be enough to prove it, but I think I have a problem. Here's the evidence:

When I saw this, my thoughts were, sheesh, where's the spray tan, where are the sparkles, sequins and fringe? Why aren't they tango-ing to Duran Duran? Where's the Bergeron? Maybe I'm a little too concerned, I'm not sure. But you have to admit that this is much better, just ask the Bergeron:

In other news, I know the time for the list has officially elapsed. I'm working on a new list, but for now, I'm glad to have completed more than 80% of the items. Including a continuing push to bring the bitterness of Embittermints to the people!